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extra-financial data
Our extra-financial data is rigorously vetted to provide sharp insights, integrating risk and opportunities factors to build high-performing portfolios.

Our data universe
14,000 companies worldwide
330 indicators per company
15 years of historical data
Insights by category
Data capturing the tangible effects of a company’s operations on people, communities, and the planet. It is essential for understanding the broader value a company creates beyond financial returns.
Data on the attributes of a company’s products or services, their quality, impact, and innovation, and how these factors influence the company’s performance, competitiveness, and long-term success.
Data on a company’s involvement in activities that may be considered controversial or high-risk, providing insights into potential reputational, ethical, financial or regulatory implications.
PAI, within the framework of the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), refers to the negative effects that investment decisions may have on society, the planet, and overall investment returns.
The EU Taxonomy is a classification system to provide a clear and standardized framework for determining whether economic activities are environmentally sustainable.
Data on a company's performance and practices across three key areas Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) used to evaluate its sustainability, ethical impact, and overall resilience.